Pesticide resistant film keeps physical proprties and weathering performance even under sulfur fumigation and pesticide treatment.

  • UV Stabilizer extend service life and keep physical properties.

  • Reduces thickness and maintains rigidity and elasticity.

  • Prevents fogging.

  • Resistant to pesticides and acid rain pollutants.

  • Maintains the transparency of visible light.

Data Explanation

  • 0.1 N H2SO3 was used for testing under similar conditions to sulfur fumigation.

  • Xenon Arc WOM is an accelerated weather-resistance test equipment.

  • Under this condition, 1000-1500 hours will be divided into one year of actual use.

  • If the physical property retention rate is 50% or less, it is regarded as early degradation.

  • By using UV stabilizer, property is maintained for a certain period to protect crops.